우리 대학 학부과정에 입학한(신입/편입) 외국인 유학생의 적응을 돕는 '전공도우미'는, 3~5명으로 구성된 신(편)입생 외국인 유학생의 밀착 튜터로서 유학생의 전공과 같은 전공의 한국 본교생에게 Academic Advisor역할을 하게 됩니다.
그룹별 전공도우미 학생 2명(한국 학생 1명, 외국 학생 1명)이 외국인 신/편입생 3~5명과 매칭이 되어 한 학기 동안 학습 및 대학생활에 대한 지원을 진행합니다. (학기당 10회의 대면 미팅 의무)
매월 '활동기록지' 작성 및 제출, 학기말 전공도우미 활동 발표회 진행
활동 종료 후 참가자 교내 장학금 30만원 지원
International Student Academic Mentors
Academic Mentors help international students who have just arrived at Ajou University (whether as new enrollees or transfer students) with academic matters related to their undergraduate studies, advising them and tutoring them as necessary.
Each pair of Academic Mentors (one Korean and one international student) is matched with a group of three to five international students, and help them learn and study throughout the semester (having at least 10 mandatory in-person meetings).
Academic Mentors are to write up and submit monthly activity reports and attend a conference on Academic Mentor activities at the end of each semester.Academic Mentors each receive a scholarship of KRW 300,000 at the end of their service.
외국인 유학생 전공 도우미가 되려면?
학기 전 토탈공지를 통해 모집하게 되며, 구비서류를 첨부하여 이메일을 통해 지원하게 됩니다.
1) 교내 장학금 지급에 결격사유가 없는 학생(초과학기 학생 지원불가)
2) 모집학과 재학생 중 직전학기 평균평점 3.0/4.5 이상이며 12학점 이상 수강한 학생
How You Can Become an International Student Academic Mentors
When the recruitment announcement email is sent before the start of each semester, prepare the required documents and submit them along with your application via email.
Eligibility :
1) Students who are not disqualified from receiving University scholarships (students who are in an additional semester beyond their scheduled graduation are ineligible);
2) Students who have received a GPA of at least 3.0 out of 4.5 in the recruiting major in the immediately preceding semester and who have completed at least 12 credits;
3) Students capable of tutoring international students on majors and required courses; and
4) Students who are interested in learning about other cultures.
Announcement for the recruitment of International Student Academic Mentors for Semester 2, 2018 : Click